GRAW * Sa 24. and So 25. September 2022 - 11.00 – 17.00 uur
You are cordially invited to visit me in my studio. You will have the opportunity to see my work space, take a look at new work and foremost have conversations and pleasant day out. Me and my fellow colleagues are looking forward seeing you at the SKAR studio komplex at Berkelselaan 44 A-B.
During the Groot Rotterdam Atelier Weekend, 40 locations in Rotterdam will open their doors from 10 am-5pm. In this Corona time it is extra difficult for artists to present their work. Exhibitions are often canceled or postponed and the public stays away. This weekend gives art lovers and collectors the opportunity to see art from more than 300 artists.
Tijdens het Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend zetten 40 locaties in Rotterdam hun deuren open van 10.00-17.00 uur. In deze Coronatijd is het voor kunstenaars extra moeilijk om hun werk te presenteren. Vaak zijn tentoonstellingen afgelast of uitgesteld en blijft het publiek weg. Dit weekend stelt kunstliefhebbers en verzamelaars in de gelegenheid om kunst te zien van meer dan 300 kunstenaars.