Edinburgh University Press * Katharina D. Martin: 'Ecologies of coporeal space' in: Sohn, Heidi/Radman, Andrej (eds.): Critical and Clinical Cartographies Architecture, Robotics, Medicine, Philosophy, pp. 178–312.
Critical and Clinical Cartographies discusses the newly emerging discourses between architecture and bio-medicine and rethinks medical and design pedagogies in the context of both the Affective and Digital Turns that are occurring under the umbrella of New Materialism. This collection is framed through Deleuze's symptomalogical approach which creates the ideal terrain for architecture and medical technologies of care to meet with robotics, alongside the newly emerging 'materialist landscape'.
Critical and Clinical Cartographies Architecture, Robotics, Medicine, Philosophy
328 pages
45 illustrations
New Materialisms
Published February 2017 (Hardback)
Published August 2018 (Paperback)
Paperback: 9781474437370
Hardback: 9781474421119
eBook (ePub): 9781474421133
eBook (PDF): 9781474421126