GRAW * Sa 21. and So 22. September 2024 - 11.00 – 17.00 uur
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend! This year, 712 artists, makers, and creatives are participating, spread across 99 locations. GRAW offers art lovers, local residents, art professionals, and the curious the chance not only to admire or purchase the work but also to engage in conversation with the makers and learn more about their artistic process and unique perspective on the world.
You are cordially invited to visit me in my studio. You will have the opportunity to see my work space, take a look at new work and foremost have conversations and pleasant day out. Me and my fellow colleagues are looking forward seeing you at the SKAR studio komplex at Berkelselaan 44 A-B.
The weekend has become a symbol of the attention and appreciation for the spaces where artists work in Rotterdam. During these two days, you will get a behind-the-scenes look at the studios and experience the diversity of our city. Visit www.grootrotterdamsatelierweekend.nl for more information about the participating artists and studio complexes.